Unscientific Belief Systems

Alternative medical systems can be based on common belief systems that are not consistent with facts of science, such as in naturopathy or homeopathy.
Alternative medical systems can be based on common belief systems that are not consistent with facts of science, such as in naturopathy or homeopathy.
Homeopathy is a system developed in a belief that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people. It was developed before knowledge of atoms and molecules, and of basic chemistry, which shows that repeated dilution as practiced in homeopathy produces only water and that homeopathy is scientifically implausible. Homeopathy is considered quackery in the medical community.
Naturopathic medicine
Naturopathic medicine is based on a belief that the body heals itself using a supernatural vital energy that guides bodily processes, a view in conflict with the paradigm of evidence-based medicine. Many naturopaths have opposed vaccination, and "scientific evidence does not support claims that naturopathic medicine can cure cancer or any other disease”.